Pilgrimage – Writeup
Pilgrimage is an EASY machine from the Hack The Box platform. In it we will discover a exposed git folder in the http server. By examining the web page and…
Pilgrimage is an EASY machine from the Hack The Box platform. In it we will discover a exposed git folder in the http server. By examining the web page and…
Date: 27/07/2022 Difficulty: Easy CTF: https://app.hackthebox.com/machines/Secret Enumeration Let’s start testing the connection with the target machine: We have connection, and the ttl is 63, so we can say that we…
Date: 26/03/2022 Difficulty: Medium CTF: https://tryhackme.com/room/githappens Boss wanted me to create a prototype, so here it is! We even used something called “version control” that made deploying this really easy!…